Winnipeg Environmental Remediations Inc. believes that health, safety and environmental concerns are integral components to the success of our company. Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy workplace and we strive to create and maintain just that on an everyday basis. We continually consult with industry professionals, to stay current with our policy and make improvements to our Health, Safety and Environmental Program.

We stay current on the latest workplace safety legislation at all levels of government—Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal, and on the latest developments in environmental protection through relationships with regulation authorities, environmental professionals and by attending technical meetings and seminars.

Our policy acknowledges that workers have the right to a safe workplace. The right to know, the right to participate, the right to refuse dangerous work, and the right to work, are all essential privileges of the workers to ensure that a safe workplace is fully recognized and respected by our company. Our policy addresses all aspects of accountability, as well as our responsibility to employees, supervisors, workers and subcontractors under our corporate umbrella.

We have developed our company policy to not only maintain order, but to document our commitment toward developing and maintaining a safe and environmentally sound workplace.

WERI’s priority is the well-being of our people and we are committed to providing active leadership and support in order to maintain and develop our program. In return, we feel it is imperative that everyone at WERI endorse, abide by and actively participate in our Health, Safety and Environmental Program.